A project can be managed in a more goal-oriented manner if certain key performance indicators are known. These are, among others:
- the planning deviation from the baseline
- the progress deviation from planning
- the performance of trades or areas
- adherence to milestones
- the on-time performance.
The lcmd Dashboard gives you an overview of all important project data at any time. Compare the current project status with baselines that you can set at any time.
- Open Dashboard
- Filter Dashboard
- Set Baseline
- Charts in Basic Dashboard (PPC, PPC by Status, Performance Chart, Reschedule Chart)
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Open Dashboard
- Select the desired project from the project list.
- In order to open the Dashboard click on the corresponding icon in the top bar menu on the left.
Filter Dashboard
- Click on "Filter" in the upper line.
- The filter with areas, trades and time, as already in use in the Process Plan and the Daily Board, opens.
- Filter according to the desired criteria or select an already saved filter from your list.
Set Baseline
During project setup (for example, by importing data to lcmd), a baseline is initially set. Further baselines are automatically saved for all steps in the system.
- Open the "Dashboard" tab.
- Click on "Baseline" in the upper left corner of the first chart.
- Check the desired "Baseline".
- You will see all changes in the process planning as "actual planning". As new changes are added, the previous ones become the baseline and can again be checked for comparison in the charts.
- By clicking on the entries in the legend, the respective line is hidden and displayed again.
Charts in Basic Dashboard (PPC, PPC by Status, Performance Chart, Reschedule Chart)
In the basic version of the dashboard you get the project overview in three main charts.
Progress Percentage Complete
User can compare planned date of daily activities with actually completed date. In this chart the planned work is shown against completed work.
Progress Percentage Complete by Status
User can see how many daily activities are completed and how many should be completed. This chart shows the difference between the current plan and the current progress in the project. If processes are tracked and followed up daily, the difference should be small or non-existent.
Performance Chart
The chart shows how many of the daily activities in the project have which status, i.e. delayed, not started, in progress, or completed.
Reschedule Chart
User can see how many processes, i.e. not the daily activities, are completed. This chart shows the stability of execution against a planned baseline. For example, users can see how many processes have been rescheduled.