After you have planned your project in lcmd the execution can start. For control purposes, you can quickly and easily record current status and share it with all project members.
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Status at process level
In the process plan, switch to the view: Status to see the current status in your project.
The different colours held you to focus on the most important processes.
- Grey processes are in the future and not yet due.
- Blue processes are partially completed and on schedule.
- Orange processes should already be partially completed but are late.
- Green processes are fully completed.
- Red processes have not been completed and lie in the past.
You can change the status for the entire process. Click in Tasks in the sidebar on the right and then on "Mark as done". Click on "Restart" to set the status back to 0%.
Alternatively, you can set the progress using the slider on each process. This is not only possible in the status view, but in all 4 views.
Status at task level
In LCM Digital, all processes automatically have number of task.
With each completed task, you gradually increase the percentage from 0 to 100 per cent.
Note: Please note that only fully completed tasks have an influence on the total status of the process. As long as tasks are still in progress, the percentage on the process does not change.
To see the status in the task level, you can switch to dailyboards. You get an overview of the status of each individual card.
- Grey cards with checks are already done.
- Purple cards are still waiting for approval.
- Blue cards are still in progress but on schedule.
- Orange cards are also in process but late.
- Red cards that should already be done are overdue.
You can select the status at task level: in the process plan, in the Dailyboard with focus on days.
All information is automatically synchronised.
Status of milestones
- Milestones are processes with a duration of zero.
- Their status can also be tracked and changed.
Tags: Progress, Status, Process