Sudden onset of winter, lack of advance work or material not provided? It is not always possible to prevent delays in the construction process. Especially in larger projects, many users work together in lcmd. But who changed what, when and why? With the reasons for disruptions and the project history, you can track changes and take targeted action.
- Changes to the process
- Changes in the project
- Filter changes
- Reason codes
- Analyse reason codes in the dashboard
Changes to the process
You can view changes to processes directly in the process history.
Select a process and open "History" in the right side menu.
You will be shown when and how many changes were made.
You can arrange the view by date or person and sort in ascending or descending order by clicking on the slider icon.
Expand the changes to the data to view individual changes.
Click on the change to go to the detailed view with further information. Here you can see the end date before the change, all affected processes and the reason for the change.
Changes in the project
- Click on the “bell” symbol at the top right of the process plan to open the changes and see all changed entries in the process plan in the history at a glance.
- If you have filtered the process plan, only the changes that relate to the filtered processes are displayed.
- The changes are sorted by date by default, you can change this to a division by person by clicking on the slider icon.
- Expand the view to see individual changes.
If you click on an entry, you will be navigated to the relevant process in the process plan. At the same time, the detailed view opens with further information. Here you can also see the end date before the change.
With every new change that you or other project participants make, the number in the display increases. Click on Refresh to see the current status.
If you make changes to several processes at the same time, this will be displayed in a single entry in the history. You can see which processes have been changed in the detailed view.
Filter changes
- By clicking on the word “Filter” in the history at the top right, you can search and filter for specific change types.
- In lcmd you can track changes to processes and milestones, tasks, areas, to-do's and comments.
- Delete the filter to see all changes again.
Reason codes
Changes in the construction process do not happen for no reason. In lcmd you have the option of being asked for a reason for each change, which you can then evaluate later.
Create reason code
- To do this, open the “Settings” tab and then select “Changes” on the left
- Click on “New reason code” at the top right and select from the predefined reasons or create your own reasons, which are then queried later when changes are made in the process plan.
- The defined disruption reasons apply to this project and cannot be transferred to other projects.
- Activate the switch at the bottom under Quick mode to make the specification of disruption reasons mandatory when making changes to the planning.
Define roles
- Under “Define roles” at the top right, you can select people who must always specify a reason for disruption.
- All other people can voluntarily enter a reason for disruption.
- If you click on the “Invited users” option, all future invited project users must automatically enter a reason for disruption when you make a change.
Specify reasons for disruption
- If you now make a change to a process back in the process plan that results in a later end date than before, you will be asked to specify the reason for the disruption.
- For people who are obliged to specify a reason for disruption, the process cannot be postponed without a reason being specified.
- For people who can voluntarily specify a reason, the window with the reasons for disruption disappears again after 10 seconds.
- You can subsequently change or remove the reasons for disruption. Either in the sidebar via the history of a process or in the changes for the entire project.
- Changes that do not affect the target date can also be assigned a disruption reason in this way .
Analyse reason codes in the dashboard
The reasons for disruptions are a valuable source of information for better understanding the project and its progress. That's why our dashboard collects all reasons for disruption and presents them clearly. The evaluation makes problems visible, enables targeted reactions and supports the continuous improvement process.
Open the dashboard to see how the disruption reasons are distributed in your project at the bottom right.
Click on the name of an interference reason to hide it.
If you move the mouse over the circle diagram, you can see how many processes have been assigned to the respective fault reason.
You can obtain a further evaluation of the reasons for malfunctions by clicking on the arrow next to the project name in the process plan. Here you can select “Excel export fault reasons” under Export to download a list of all fault reasons including the associated processes.
Tags: changes, history, reason codes, reasons for disruption, delay, track changes