The resource chart is displayed below the process plan and shows the number of simultaneous processes or worker for resource control and leveling. You can see at a glance where there might be bottlenecks in resource planning.
Show and hide diagram area
Click on the “eye” symbol at the top right of the process plan to open the view.
Switch the split screen on to show the lower area and off to hide it again.
Select the Resource curve diagram.
The resource curve is displayed at the bottom. Adjust the height of the split screen manually by dragging the area higher or lower.
Filter trades to enable precise resource planning for the selected trade.
Note: In the view, you can choose between Trade, Status and Stability to customize the view of your process plan.
Display options
Click on the three dots at the bottom left of the resource curve legend to select display options.
Switch on dynamic scaling to limit the values on the Y-axis to the current section. This option allows you to make plan sections with low resource thicknesses easier to read.
By selecting the type, you can use the dropdown to set whether either the number of processes or the number of assigned person strengths should be displayed in the resource curve.
Note: To display the number of people in the resource curve, you must add it in advance in the sidebar in the process details for the processes. Please note that the number of people can be set for the entire process or the number can vary for each card.
To set a person count for the daily activities, you must open the tasks in the sidebar and click on Edit for the respective card.